You can start x16emu/ x16emu.exe either by double-clicking it, or from the command line. Steps for compiling WebAssembly/HTML5 can be found here. Remember you will also need a rom.bin as described above. The output will be x16emu in the current directory. The SDL2 development package is available as a distribution package with most major versions of Linux: The rom.bin included in the latest release of the emulator may also work with the HEAD of this repo, but this is not guaranteed.

You can build a ROM image yourself using the build instructions in the repo. WARNING: Older versions of the ROM might not work in newer versions of the emulator, and vice versa. Loaded from the directory containing the emulator binary, or you can use the -rom. However, to run the emulated system you will also need a compatible rom.bin ROM image.

The emulator itself is dependent only on SDL2.
Interlaced modes (NTSC/RGB) don't render at the full horizontal fidelityīinary releases for macOS, Windows and x86_64 Linux are available on the releases page.Does not support the "CURRENT_FIELD" bit.SD card: reading and writing (image file).It only depends on SDL2 and should compile on all modern operating systems. This is an emulator for the Commander X16 computer system.